On the one year anniversary of The Couture Butterfly, I decided to share with you all another one of my style icons, my mom Betty. Last year my very first post was highlighting my grandmother Lucretia's style, (the launch of TCB blog is also her birthday), so it only made sense to go to my next biggest influence.
When it comes to my mom, I've always know her to be a stylish person. In fact, a few of her items have "migrated" to my closet. In looking at old photos and comparing them to now, I realized one thing, she always loved to coordinate her entire outfit. I haven't quite adapted being completely matchy matchy, but I know that she has taught me much of what I needed to know about fashion.
I know this picture is a little hard to see fully, but the focus here is the belt she is wearing. It is now in my closet! I've worn it, used it in fashion photo shoots, and it's still in amazing condition!

(And of course the adorable little girl that's all smiles is me. My mom tried to put me onto purple, but turquoise is more me. I do love lavender though!)
I also have to make a point to say Happy Birthday to my grandmother Lucretia, whom I made my very first Style Icon post about here. Today is her birthday and she was truly an inspiration to me!