So not to overload you all in one post of my weekend in Wilmington, here are more pictures from the trip!
My outfit for the second half of Saturday was a little more covered, but comfortable. It was a little chillier than I expected, so I threw on some jeans.

|| Top, Necklace, and Earrings: Forever 21 || Pants: BDG || Shoes: Bobs by Sketchers ||
After the parade I ended up going to the circus, yes the circus! They were in town and one of the people that travels with them gave us free tickets. (I posted a picture of me and a very tall clown on my Instagram.)
Later that night, we headed downtown to check out some of the vendors and fireworks. Below was one of my favorites - lanterns that either changed color or were multiple colors.

And of course there are nothing like fireworks to end a great night!
Finally it came time to say goodbye and mixed it up one last time with an outfit suitable for the car ride home...

|| Sweater: BDG || Tank: Old Navy || Jeans: BDG || Flip Flops: JC Penney || Scarf: Target || Earrring Clip: Betseyville ||