I love Christmas time, especially the decorations. Each year I like to alter or remix items that I have to give them new life. This year I really wanted a wreath on my bedroom door to add to my festive mood. There are so many choices as to how to go about making a wreath. There is a consideration for size, color, and the most important making a real pine wreath vs. using/creating an artificial wreath.
I decided to make an artificial wreath from an already made wreath that had been used last year. I took out all of the items, leaving it bare, so I could start from scratch. Most of my materials I ended up using were also artificial or plastic. If you go this route, it will last much longer than a wreath made from pine - you'd essentially have to create one every year using a frame unless you had a way to preserve it.
Here is what I used for my custom wreath. The cool thing is I had everything on hand. The flowers I used I'd been wanting a way to keep them by using them in a craft project, but nothing worked out, until now. Get creative with your wreath and play with how you want it to look. Mine took about 20 minutes total because I opted for the easy route of using a glue gun.
Here we go!